Successful Closures by Occupation: PY2022 Q2

October – December 2022

​​Occupation Family
Number of
Successful Closures
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance46
Food Preparation and Serving Related37
Transportation and Material Moving31
Sales and Related30
Office and Administrative Support21
Personal Care and Service13
Computer and Mathematical9
Healthcare Support8
Business and Financial Operations7
Community and Social Service7
Education, Training, and Library6
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media4
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair4
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical3
Protective Service3
Architecture and Engineering1
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry1
Life, Physical, and Social Science1

The Vocational Rehabilitation program receives 78.7% of its funding through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
For the Federal fiscal year 2024, the total amount of grant funds awarded was $51,885,242.
The remaining 21.3% of the costs ($15,395,878) were funded by State appropriations.