MD Business Enterprise Program for the Blind

The Maryland Business Enterprise Program for the Blind (BEP) is authorized by the Federally mandated Randolph-Sheppard Act that provides persons who are blind with the training, licensing, and oversight to manage the operation of successful retail concession, food service, and vending operations in federal and State of Maryland facilities.

BEP prepares individuals whose primary disability is vision loss to operate successful retail concession and food service operations in public facilities.

To be eligible to become a MBEPB vendor, a candidate must have an aptitude for business management, receive an evaluation from a local DORS counselor and meet at least the following criteria:
  1. An individual must be legally blind,
  2. An individual must be a US citizen.
  3. An individual must be certified as eligible by DORS, the State Licensing Agency, as qualified to operate a vending facility after satisfactory completion of all training requirements.

BEP Training

Training to become a licensed BEP manager includes successfully completing a three-phase program, consisting of:

  • An eight-week New Manager Training course conducted by BEP staff at DORS’ Workforce & Technology Center in Northeast Baltimore.
  • Formal food service training with certified instructors and chefs. Prospective BEP managers will learn all aspects of a food service operation and become certified by the National Restaurant Association in food service sanitation.
  • On-the-job training consisting of three to six months of extended internship at various BEP facilities under an experienced manager. This provides the new managers the opportunity to implement all skills learned prior to licensing.

Interested in BEP?

If you already have a DORS counselor, ask your counselor about BEP! If you are not already working with DORS, complete a Request DORS Services form. This form can be completed by anyone – you, a family member, a medical provider, a social worker, etc.

You will be contacted to set up an intake where DORS will gather and provide information regarding your eligibility for DORS services.

BEP Contact Information:

Maryland Business Enterprise Program for the Blind
2301 Argonne Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218


Micro markets are BEP’s latest venture into the foodservice and convenience snack.
These markets are miniature food retail spaces with self-checkout technology.
The micro market customer experience is focused on being convenient, healthy, and
Simple. It is an automated market that provides 24-hour access to a variety of food options, including pre-packaged foods, refrigerated snacks, bottled beverages, coffee and fresh fruit.
Micro Markets look and feel like modern convenience stores, but function as a combination of vending, foodservice, and refreshment services.

For More Information, Contact MBEPB:

​Maryland Business Enterprise Program for the Blind
2301 Argonne Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218, Manager

The Vocational Rehabilitation program receives 78.7% of its funding through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
For the Federal fiscal year 2024, the total amount of grant funds awarded was $51,885,242.
The remaining 21.3% of the costs ($15,395,878) were funded by State appropriations.