Deaf-Blind Services

​The Deaf-Blind population has been a recognized DORS priority for the past several years. Although the population is relatively small, Deaf-Blind consumers need specialized supports in order to integrate into society and find competitive placement in a career path of their choice.

DORS is committed to expanding existing services for the general population to include Deaf-Blind consumers. Some of these specialized services include receiving braille training from a Deaf-Blind vendor, consumers work with O&M instructors who specialize in working the Deaf-Blind, and receiving Job Coaching from vendors who have been trained to work with Deaf-Blind consumers.

DORS honors communication preferences for their consumers. If you prefer to use ASL to communicate we have Rehabilitation C​ounselors for the Deaf who will work with you.​


Deaf-Blind Specialist: Dr. Leo Yates, 410-554-9372
DORS Office for Blindness & Vision Services:


Deaf-Blind Organizations

Support Service Provider (SSP) Program

Support Service Providers (SSP) ​are speci​ally train​ed professionals who enable people with combined vision and hearing loss to access their environment and make informed decisions.

An SSP provides the Deaf-Blind individual with visual and environmental information, sighted guide services, and communication accessibility. SSP services provide access to community and vocational rehabilitation services that a Deaf-Blind individual may not normally be able to access.

The Vocational Rehabilitation program receives 78.7% of its funding through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
For the Federal fiscal year 2024, the total amount of grant funds awarded was $51,933,066.
The remaining 21.3% of the costs ($14,055,582) were funded by State appropriations.