A New Horizon | 443-561-5483 | anhagency.org |
Access Benefits Community Services, LLC | 410-384-4153 | |
Alliance, Inc. | 410-282-5900 | www.allianceinc.org |
ARC Baltimore | 410-296-2272 | www.thearcbaltimore.org |
ARC Northern Chesapeake Region, Inc. | 410-879-6785 | www.arcncr.org |
ARC of Howard County, Inc. | 410-730-0638 | www.archoward.org |
Arvina Care Group, Inc. | 540-760-9991 | www.arvinacaregroup.com |
Aspire Living and Learning, Inc. | 410-569-6490 | www.ippi.org/maryland |
Athelas Institute, Inc. | 410-964-1241 | www.athelasinstitute.org |
Bayside Community Network, Inc. | 410-398-6394 | thevalueofcommunity.org |
Believe You Can | 443-406-8130 | |
Bell Davis, LLC | 703-214-0430 | www.thebelldavis.com |
Best Buddies Maryland | 410-327-9812 | www.bestbuddiesmaryland.org |
BISM - Baltimore | 410-737-2600 | www.bism.org |
Broader Perspectives, LLC | 410-210-5232 | |
Chimes, Inc. | 410-521-1555 | chimes.org |
Colorado Center for the Blind | 800-401-4632 | cocenter.org |
Community Options - Columbia | 443-542-0212 | www.comop.org |
Companions, Inc. | 410-394-8790 | www.companionsmd.org |
Compass, Inc. | 301-625-2406 | www.compassmaryland.org |
CORE Foundations at Kennedy Krieger - Baltimore | 570-650-1853 | KennedyKrieger.org |
Crossroads Community - Kent Co. | 410-778-9200 | |
Cultivating Change, LLC | 410-493-3372 | |
DePaul Services, Inc. | 410-582-8731 | dpistaffing.com |
eMERGE, Inc. - Columbia | 410-884-4420 | www.emergeinc.org |
eMERGE, Inc. - Halethorpe | 410-884-4420 | www.emergeinc.org |
eMERGE, Inc. - Perry Hall | 410-884-4420 | www.emergeinc.org |
Family New Life Ministries Services, Inc. | 301-273-8795 | www.familynewlife.org |
Grace Medical Center, Inc. | 410-469-5272 | |
Harford Center, Inc. | 410-575-6795 | harfordcenter.org |
Harper Career Services | 240-701-4729 | |
Healthy Lives, LLC | 443-219-7901 | www.healthylivesmaryland.com |
Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults | 516-944-8900 | www.hknc.org |
Humanim, Inc. - Columbia | 410-381-7171 | www.humanim.com |
Interlink Counseling & Vocational Services, Inc. | 410-551-9675 | |
Itineris | 443-275-1100 | www.itinerisbaltimore.org |
Jewish Community Services | 410-466-9200 | ignitecareercenter.com |
K&I Healthcare Services, LLC - Baltimore | 240-667-1679 | www.kihealthcareservices.org |
Ken's Krew, Inc. | 212-290-8999 | www.kenskrew.org |
Kent Center, Inc. | 410-778-7303 | www.kentcenter.org |
KTS Mental Health Group | 240-469-4360 | ktsmentalhealth.com |
League for People with Disabilities, Inc. | 410-323-0500 | www.leagueforpeople.org |
LifeWorks Career Counseling & Assessment Services | 703-629-2010 | www.lifeworkscareercounseling.com |
Linwood Center | 410-988-5192 | www.linwoodcenter.org |
Louisiana Center for the Blind | 800-234-4166 | www.louisianacenter.org |
Lydia's House, Inc. | 443-574-5119 | www.lh4us.org |
Maryland SOAR, LLC | 240-825-9534 | www.marylandsoar.org |
Mosaic Community Services - Aberdeen | 410-273-1399 | |
Mosaic Community Services - Timonium | 410-453-9553 | |
National Center on Institutions and Alternatives | 443-780-1300 | www.ncianet.org |
New Day New Start Behavioral Health - Rosedale | 443-815-3941 | www.newdaynewstart.com |
NorthStar Special Services, Inc. | 410-922-4931 | northstar-ss.org |
Outstanding Possibilities Revealed | 202-888-6533 | |
Penn-Mar Human Services - Freeland | 410-343-1069 | www.penn-mar.org |
PEP Baltimore County ACT | 443-576-0909 | www.peponline.org |
Personalized Career Services, LLC | 240-704-4449 | www.pcscareerservices.com |
Prologue, Inc. | 410-653-6190 | www.prologueinc.org |
Rise Services, LLC | 703-389-3630 | www.risesgroup.com |
Shared Support Maryland, Inc. | 410-945-4356 | www.sharedsupportmd.org |
Shura, Inc. | 443-660-7594 | www.shurainc.org |
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore - VSP | 410-358-8200 | www.lifebridgehealth.org |
Sinai RETURN! to Work Vocational Re-Entry Program | 410-601-8539 | www.lifebridgehealth.org |
Spectrum Support, Inc. - Owings Mills | 410-795-6543 | www.spectrum-support.org |
Starflight Enterprises | 443-661-1301 | www.starflightenterprises.com |
Strong Solutions, LLC | 443-624-5284 | |
TransCen, Inc. | 301-424-2002 | www.transcen.org |
Transformation Health-Odenton | 443-759-9592 | www.mytransformationhealth.com |
True Heart Children and Family, LLC | 410-596-4428 | www.trueheartfamily.org |
United Counseling & Support Services, Inc. | 240-388-1763 | |
Unitrust Resources, Inc. | 443-335-4480 | www.unitrustresources.com |
Upper Bay Counseling & Support Services | 410-996-5724 | www.upperbay.org |
Vocation Validation | 410-360-1818 | |
Way Station, Inc. - Columbia | 410-740-1901 | |
Wisdom Healthcare Services, Inc. - Aberdeen | 410-297-8888 | www.wisdomhealthcareservices.com |
Wisdom Healthcare Services, Inc. - Perry Hall | 410-529-1111 | www.wisdomhealthcareservices.com |
Work Opportunities Unlimited, Inc. - Pasadena | 301-640-6947 | www.workopportunities.net |
Work Opportunities Unlimited, Inc. - Silver Spring | 301-929-4350 | www.workopportunities.net |
Work Opportunities Unlimited, Inc. - Wheaton | 301-929-4350x201 | www.workopportunities.net |