Becoming a Community Rehabilitation Partner

A Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) is a private, usually non-profit, program that provides rehabilitation service to job seekers with disabilities. More than 100 CRPs statewide provide services to DORS consumers.

DORS is particularly interested in finding additional community partners throughout the state who can help us serve individuals who are blind and vision-impaired, deaf, deaf-blind and people with limited English proficiency.

DORS requires community partners to be licensed by BHA or DDA for Supported Employment/Employment Services and/or to achieve third-party national accreditation for employment services, such as CARF.

Approval is based on:

  • The program’s capacity and the disability population served.
  • Assurance that priority is placed on the needs, preferences and informed choice of the individuals served.
  • For agencies serving individuals with chronic mental illness: consideration of provision of Evidence-Based Practice in Supported Employment.
  • For agencies serving transitioning youth: inclusion of preparatory experiences, connecting activities, work-based experiences and youth leadership activities.
  • Location.
  • Program cost.
  • Quality of services provided and staff credentials.
  • Record of success.
  • DORS current needs.

To apply to become a CRP, the applicant must supply:

  • Current documentation of 501(c)3 non-profit status.
  • Description of agency, including primary clientele, geographic location, mission and values.
  • Description of the services to be provided, qualifications of staff who will be providing each service, length of each service and expected outcome of each service.
  • Agency annual report.
  • Copies of any current licenses from third-party national accreditation organizations, such as CARF, DDA, BHA, etc.

​For more information or to apply to become a DORS community partner, contact one of DORS Staff Specialists for CRPs:

Kate Drake


Tamla McDowell-Omodho

Division of Rehabilitation Services
2301 Argonne Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218

Please note: If you wish to supply goods and services to DORS but do not qualify as a Community Rehabilitation Program, please go to: Becoming a Vendor

The Vocational Rehabilitation program receives 78.7% of its funding through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
For the Federal fiscal year 2024, the total amount of grant funds awarded was $51,933,066.
The remaining 21.3% of the costs ($14,055,582) were funded by State appropriations.