DORS Policy & Procedures

RSM1_0300.pdfRSM 1, Section 300: Administrative Issues
RSM1_1000.pdfRSM 1, Section 1000: DORS Employee Ethical Guidelines & Practices
RSM2_0100.pdfRSM 2, Section 100: Definitions
RSM2_0200.pdfRSM 2, Section 200: Confidentiality
RSM2_0300.pdfRSM 2, Section 300: Case Management
RSM2_0400.pdfRSM 2, Section 400: Referral and Application
RSM2_0500.pdfRSM 2, Section 500: Eligibility, Severity of Disability and Priority for Services
RSM2_0600.pdfRSM 2, Section 600: Rehabilitation Plan Development
RSM2_0700.pdfRSM 2, Section 700: Rehabilitation Services
RSM2_0800.pdfRSM 2, Section 800: Supported Employment
RSM2_0900.pdfRSM 2, Section 900: Employment Services
RSM2_1000.pdfRSM 2, Section 1000: Record of Services Closure
RSM2_1100.pdfRSM 2, Section 1100: Post-Employment Services
RSM2_1200.pdfRSM 2, Section 1200: Workforce & Technology Center
RSM2_1300.pdfRSM 2, Section 1300: Transitioning
RSM2_1400.pdfRSM 2, Section 1400: Self-Employment
RSM2_1500.pdfRSM 2, Section 1500: Post-Secondary Education
RSM2_1600.pdfRSM 2, Section 1600: DORS Technology Services
RSM2_1700.pdfRSM 2, Section 1700: Pre-Employment Transition Services
RSM3_1000.pdfRSM 3, Section 1000: Purchase Policies
RSM3_1100.pdfRSM 3, ​Section 1100: Purchase Procedures
RSM3_1300.pdfRSM 3, Section 1300: Comparable Services & Benefits
RSM3_1400.pdfRSM 3, Section 1400: Financial Need & Participation of the Individual in Cost of Services

The Vocational Rehabilitation program receives 78.7% of its funding through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
For the Federal fiscal year 2024, the total amount of grant funds awarded was $51,885,242.
The remaining 21.3% of the costs ($15,395,878) were funded by State appropriations.