Client Assistance Program (CAP)


CAP is Here for You - Programa de Asistencia al Cliente de Maryland

The Client Assistance Program (CAP) advocates for the rights of individuals seeking services from Maryland’s Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and the Maryland State Department of Education’s Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS).

CAP is a federally funded program that provides information, advice, and advocacy to Marylanders with disabilities who are applying for or receiving services provided by DORS and the CILs.

DORS provides vocational rehabilitation (VR) employment services to help people with significant disabilities go to work or keep the jobs they already have. DORS also provides Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) for students 14-21 with disabilities, as well as independent living (IL) services to legally blind individuals age 55 and over through the Independent Living Older Blind (ILOB) program.

A Center for Independent Living (CIL) helps people with disabilities have information, choice and control over the independent living services and supports in their lives. There are seven CILs throughout Maryland.

CAP’s goal is to protect Marylanders with disabilities by ensuring respectful and fair treatment, consistent with individual agency policies and State and federal laws.
CAP can provide individuals with information and advocacy assistance to help resolve concerns about the VR and IL services they receive.
CAP’s role may include:

  • Explaining your rights and responsibilities throughout the VR employment, Pre-ETS, or IL process.
  • Helping to communicate your concerns to DORS or CIL staff.
  • Providing information about VR employment services, Pre-ETS, and CILs.
  • Explaining DORS policies and procedures.
  • Advocating for you if you have been denied a service or are unhappy with a service provided.
  • Arranging for legal services, when necessary, to represent you in a formal appeal.
  • Informing you about your employment rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Let us know how we can help.

Contact CAP at:

Voice: 410-554-9361
Toll-free: 1-800-638-6243
Fax: 410-554-9362

The Client Assistance Program (CAP)  logo. 

Chat with CAP Session
February 12th at 3:30 PM!

To request an ASL interpreter accommodation, please contact CAP at or 410-554-9361.This accommodation should be requested 10 business days in advance in order to allow time to schedule an interpreter.

Chat with CAP flyer with photos of Marla Friedman and Jhoselin Beltran Contresas and the CAP logo.

CAP Appeal Rights Fact Sheet

CAP Appeal Rights Fact Sheet, LP

CAP 2024 Annual Report
Maryland CAP Client Assistance Program, FY 2024.

Marla Friedman, Client Assistance Program Director.  

CAP Director, Marla Friedman


Jhoselin's headshot, with a Maryland flag in the background.

CAP Specialist, Jhoselin Beltran Contreras, 410-554-9361

Quick Fun Fact: I speak Spanish!

¡Hablo español! Así que, si alguna vez tienes alguna pregunta, por favor, ven a hablar conmigo.

The Vocational Rehabilitation program receives 78.7% of its funding through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
For the Federal fiscal year 2024, the total amount of grant funds awarded was $51,885,242.
The remaining 21.3% of the costs ($15,395,878) were funded by State appropriations.